Wednesday, March 2, 2011

On the Brink: NFL Season in Jeopardy

By now, I'm sure you've heard about the dilemma currently facing the NFL. The Collective Bargaining Agreement expires on March 4, and the NFL stands on the brink of possibly facing a potential lockout for next season. Ultimately, this can result in massive financial losses, teams being unprepared for future seasons, players left with nothing to do during training camp and the regular season, and fans left watching something like soccer. It's a horrific situation, but as things currently stand, it's awfully close to becoming a striking reality. As owners, league, and union representatives try to negotiate a final deal in the next 24 or so hours, many in the industry begin to prepare for the worst. From a fan's standpoint, things do not look good. The NFL has offered amazing annual entertainment for the past 4 decades, and has continually risen as one of America's most popular sports. Losing something so dear to all the football fans everywhere, even for a season, will be troubling. Once college football is over, a barren wasteland exists, with fans being held over by basketball, hockey, and soccer. Negotiations must be made, and certain people must be held accountable for making sacrifices for the greater good. In the worst case scenario, the fledging UFL may have a chance to survive, if they manage wisely (but alas, that doesn't look likely). The AFL could possibly move their season over to fall if things change too. But either way, there's no substitute for the NFL if a lockout does occur. More on this after March 4....

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